jiari shakuhachi

Below you can find a selection of quality handmade shakuhachi flutes. Great care is taken to ensure correct tuning, volume, tonal colours and response time to craft a contemporary instrument capable of playing and performing music ranging from the traditional honkyoku repertoire to modern or contemporary pieces. Please check out the individual descriptions to learn more about each of the flutes on offer. All the shakuhachi can be tested in person in London or Paris or possibly elsewhere if it can be arranged.

If you are in the US, Americas or Australia please contact me to discuss shipping options/costs.
Thank you!

Contact me The site is being updated and normal shop check-out will be resuming around middle of August 2024. In the meantime please do contact me directly via the ‘contact page’ if you are looking for a flute or accessories. Thank you.

Showing 1–10 of 45 results